Become a Top Leader: 5 Must-Have Leadership Qualities

In the News, Step Up

Great Leadership Qualities for Transforming Workplace Dilemmas

Everyone faces dilemmas at work. Adept execs turn quandaries into accomplishments. How they proceed:


The Art of Lengthening the Fuse in Leadership

Lengthen the fuse.

We all work with difficult colleagues, and “We’re conditioned to react,” said Judith Orloff, author of The Ecstasy of Surrender: 12 Surprising Ways Letting Go Can Empower Your Life. What if you don’t fire back, instead keeping the bigger goal in mind while taking a minute to formulate a thoughtful response? “You win half the battle when you don’t react,” Orloff told IBD.

Embracing Conflict and Conceding Points for Leadership Growth

Concede worthy points.

“Identify the people in the workplace you react to,” Orloff said.Maybe it’s Miss Nitpick or Mr. Opposing View.Take them by surprise by agreeing with aspects of their arguments.” I like to let people be right. It takes all the negative energy out of the equation,” Orloff said.

Balancing Assertiveness and Empathy in Leadership

Balance your act.

Being conciliatory doesn’t mean being a doormat. The trick is learning when to let something go and when to exert your opinion. “You’re not fighting. You’re not struggling all the time. You’re flowing,” Orloff said.

Managing Anger: A Leadership Skill

Handle fury.

Workplace anger shouldn’t be totally taboo.”It is the pointy end of the spear. It has a purpose,” said Colm Foster, co-author of Step Up : Lead in Six Moments That Matter. Irritation signals that a situation needs to be addressed. Dial down your visceral response. Lean back and take a breath. Keep your palms open, not in clenched-fist position. The physical shift de-escalates the situation. “It sends the signal to your brain that there’s no danger here,” Foster said, and the situation can be handled intellectually.

Navigating Disagreements with Leadership Finesse

Lead in carefully.

When disagreements arise, start with an acknowledgment of the working relationship.Foster suggests saying: “You’re very creative and your ideas have been important to the company. But this one I’m struggling with.” Then talk it out. “The key to leadership is in the language you use,” he said.

Encouraging Healthy Debate Over Terminal Niceness

Unfreeze the smiles.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, colleagues can be polite to a fault. That’s terminal niceness, according to Foster and co-author Henry Evans. “No conflict, no friction, no sparks,” they write. Handled adeptly, a vigorous debate illuminates issues and opens minds.

Decisiveness and Risk-Taking in Leadership

Take the heat.

The easiest way to postpone a decision? Ask your team for more data.Overusing that foot-dragging dodge only weakens your stature.Don’t be afraid to take risks. A reasonable amount of worry goes with the territory. “Waiting until you’re 100% sure is the root of indecisiveness,” Foster said.

Streamlining Discussions for Effective Leadership

Move the ball.

Ever suffer through conference room deja vu? That’s when one person identifies a problem, then “five people say the same thing in different language,” Foster said.Those are well-intentioned but misguided contributions. “They’re trying to get heard,” he said. Savvy leaders institute a state-it-once rule. Foster suggests pushing the dialog forward by reminding attendees, “That part of the conversation is done.”

Elevating Others to Illuminate Leadership Qualities

Lift them.

Professionals who make others’ lives easier earn respect. “Ironically, the key to shining is putting others first,” said Andy Core, author of Change Your Day, Not Your Life. “When you help others reach their goals and become their best, you’ll usually find that the same things happen to you,” he said.

The Resilience Factor: Bouncing Back as a Leader

Be a rebounder.

Forget perfection. “What sets thrivers apart is the fact that after a fall, they forgive themselves, get back up and continue the journey forward,” Core said.

By Sonja Carberry

Unlock the power of controlled anger with our must-read blog, ‘Harnessing the Heat: Converting Anger into Positive Outcomes at Work.’ Discover how to channel your passion and frustration into a driving force for positive change, enhanced decision-making, and strengthened leadership. Learn actionable strategies for transforming potential conflicts into opportunities for growth and innovation. Ready to redefine your leadership approach?



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